
Hi there! I must say thank you for the time you have given to visit my blog and hope you enjoyed or learned something, or somehow entertained, inspired with the posts or articles and videos I shared within this site.
my very first drawing when I was a kid
PerplexPixel not your pro artist but just a hobbyist who wants to explore arts through the use of digital programs, apps and new technologies through gadgets being marketed that is available within my reach.

With new programs and apps that comes out every time, I found the enthusiasm to challenge myself to learn these new jargon and see if I can manage to master at least one.

I may say that some programs are quite hard to learn to start with specially when you got overwhelmed with number of icons and shortcut keys on its main window but somehow some developers come up with easy to learn programs and user friendly and add up those free tutorials shared by generous users on YouTube.

I do still draw on paper yet the desire to venture to these digital tools just keeps ringing through my ears telling me that I must learn this stuff and create my own masterpiece out of it.

Some may use arts as stress reliever but would still depend on each individual, it may be gratifying to some or be a great frustration for starters.

Nonetheless, engaging in this kind of activity through artworks somehow is quite fun when you finish something after long hours of conceptualizing starting from scratch to its final output.

If you'll be doing some digital arts and find this as a career later on then perhaps you must start somewhere and invest on non expensive pen tablets or if you prefer to jump on pen displays right away whichever you may prefer to do so.

May you have fun and best of luck to your drawings.

I love arts!