Pixel Art in Photoshop

pixel art using photoshop
Ever wonder how you can make some pixel arts drawing using any version of Photoshop? Here's a quick and easy guide to start your ever pixel art drawings.


1. Open a new drawing and set to 50 x 50 pixels with 72 DPI
50 px x 50 px
2. Go to View select show and check Grid
show grid under view
3. Go to Edit and select Preferences and open Guide, Grid, Slices section
edit preferences
4. Set to 1 pixels (default in inches) under Grid including the Subdivisions to a value of 1 (change the default 4 value)
set to 1 pixels
5. Go back to Edit and select General and change Bicubic to Nearest Neighbor
nearest neighbor
6. Choose the Pencil tool and set to 1 value from brush section
pencil at 1
Now you may start your own pixel art drawings and may change colors per pixels as you may do so.

Sample pixel drawing
pixel art drawing sample
Very simple steps that I hope you can manage to follow along while PSD file of this sample pixel you may get in Download section if you may want to check.
skull pixel art
Make a screenshot of your artwork and upload to image hosting sites like imgur or dropbox and leave and share in the comment section below.

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